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FIU News item: Doctoral student wants to make nuclear energy renewable

The United States has a pretty big problem on its hands – an 80,000-metric-ton radioactive problem. It will take more than 100,000 years to go away.

Radiochemistry Ph.D. student Ingrid Lehman-Andino and two of FIU’s nuclear chemistry professors are working on a solution. The researchers believe the U.S. could lessen the impact of climate change by producing nuclear power with smaller amounts of reused, short-lived radioactive waste that is less toxic than what is used now.

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FP&L Distinguished Nuclear Lecture Series

Radiochemistry Center of Excellence: Expanding the Horizons of Nuclear Forensics Analysis

Dr. Howard L. Hall

Department of Nuclear Engineering, Radiochemistry Center of Excellence, Institute for Nuclear Security, University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

March 17, 2017| 11:00 AM| AHC4 Room 302

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Dr. Joerg Reinhold, Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. Konstantinos Kavallieratos, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. David Roelant, Associate Director of Research, Applied Research Center

Florida International University Miami, FL 33199